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How to Read Renaissance and Baroque Tablature

Foto van schrijver: Bruno FerreiraBruno Ferreira

👉 Link to Guitar Music Sources where you can download the literature presented in this video:

⭐ Download the chart with a listing of books/music works of Renaissance and Baroque composers sorted chronologically (instrument - author - publication - location - date - type of tablature - number of courses) and get access to the premium lesson here for a step-to-step guide to understand the 4 kinds of tablature:

Most of the times, the music we want to learn is either written in staff notation for classical music or TABS for pop music. The Renaissance and Baroque music for plucked instruments, such as the lute, vihuela and guitar, was notated in tablature, a very similar system to the modern TAB.

Perhaps you find the music of the 16th and 17th centuries very beautiful but the sources are very often sketchy arrangements or, in some cases, books with very accurate and reasoned transcriptions that are inaccessible. So, why not learn to use and interpret the original sources of the Renaissance and Baroque music that are available for everyone?

In this video I hopefully give you the opportunity to understand and learn how to read the notation systems used back in the days by great composers throughout Europe. The video includes a basic guide to start reading the Italian, French, Spanish and German tablature, with examples.

It also lays out clearly the similarities and differences between them. It is important to mention that instruments of that time weren’t built and tuned the same way as we tune the modern guitar and therefore the musical result is quite different, which you will be able to see during the video.

Video's chapters

  • Four Kinds of Tablature

  • The Instruments

  • A Guide to Read Tablature

  • The Tuning

Another interesting video about music notation:



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